“When visiting an assisted living community, I was invited by the Activities Director to join in their Chaboom class. I was hesitant to agree, but as I joined the group of adults, all in wheelchairs, or seated with walkers, I experienced something AMAZING….every adult was singing along to the upbeat music, and was clearly motivated by their instructor Lauretta to work to their full potential. My favorite moment was when we “Chaboomed” to the song “Sweet Caroline” – everyone was enthusiastic, and had the best “BA BA BAH” chorus I have ever heard! Lauretta provides happiness to all who encounter her, personally and professionally.” -Nina Shatz, Sharon
“I was bed ridden, then I started coming to Chaboom and moving again. Now I’m walking again and I even took my tap shoes out. I feel great and am hoping to start teaching Tapacise again. Thank you for all your help!” -Kathleen Zanor, Sunrise Braintree
“Chaboom makes me so happy and everyone in the class is always smiling and laughing.” -Sylvia Dunay, Arbors Stoughton
“Chaboom is positively the best exercise/entertainment that anyone could ask for. The staff is engaging, expressive, and energetic. The music is catchy and lively. Both the residents and staff at Sunrise LOVE IT.” -Deb Hagerty, Sunrise Cohasset